Risk management is at the core of our activities in view of the requirements of our stakeholders including employees and their families, shareholders, creditors, countries and communities we operate in, and our industrial partners
We look at risk from four overlapping perspectives:
Values, Financial Risk, ESG, Corporate Governance

Financial Risk
Managing financial risk is, of course, the core skill our employees, shareholders and creditors expect from us. Apart from our long-term sustainable business development, delivering impeccable financial risk management is our primary continuous focus based on proprietary and long proven trading and risk management systems. We have constant performance monitoring based on internal systems which we constantly improve, management reporting and frequent meetings of our Finance Committee and Risk Committee which are focused on monitoring, assessing and mitigating a variety of risks from market and liquidity to performance and political risks

ESG & Compliance
At Industrial Minerals environmental and social responsibility as well as compliance with regulations and standards such as money laundering and human rights are not separate functions but an integral part of daily risk management. We fully recognize the risk non-compliance poses to all stakeholders and, therefore, maintain a zero-tolerance policy. As a result ESG and Compliance was adopted as a direct responsibility of top management

Corporate Governance
Industrial Minerals Group has clear and transparent decision making processes. Transparency is a top priority for all our stakeholders including in corporate structure, financial reporting standards and all transactions. Industrial Minerals Group has a European holding structure with essentially two lines of business: trading and marketing consolidated under Industrial Minerals SA reporting under Swiss GAAP and operating asset companies reporting under their respective local reporting standards. Each entity has a stand-alone corporate responsibility and activities do not overlap
Business Continuity
In utilizing our risk framework we have established a robust business continuity plan making sure that we consistently meet our client’s expectations regardless of environmental, geopolitical or socio-economic complexities. The effectiveness of this is evidenced by us not having missed a shipment during the Coivd-19 pandemic and the subsequent supply chain turbulence